Branch members and cadets were given an in-depth view of the Royal Air Force by one of its leading officers. Air Marshal Sir Julian Young KBE is Chief of Air Materiel for the Royal Air Force and accepted an invitation to visit Mangotsfield and show the branch members and cadets from 2152 (DF) Downend Squadron what the RAF is currently doing and the forces likely role in the future.
The evening was also an ideal platform to show the cadets what they can achieve by learning science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects at school and university. This was also a great opportunity for those branch members that were in the RAF to speak with Sir Julian and see how aircraft and working practices had changed over the years.
Branch chairman, Ian Campbell said ''it is important that we continue to remember those pilots, aircrew and ground crew from the Royal Air Force and other allied air forces that fought in the Battle of Britain and secured our country from invasion.''
Branch Chairman, Ian Campbell thanked Sir Julian for his time and presented him with a branch pin on behalf of all those attending.