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Staple Hill take home the awards

The Staple Hill & District Branch have been awarded several awards from the Gloucestershire County Royal British Legion for their work in the community.

At the recent Annual General Meeting of the County of Gloucestershire, the Staple Hill & District Branch were given awards for branch efficiency and for their fundraising efforts for the Poppy Appeal.

Branch Chairman, Ian Campbell said ''I am truly grateful to the County for the awards we won. This is a huge boost to us locally and proves we are doing well. It wasn't long ago we thought we may close, but in four short years we have turned things around and are growing every week!''

The branch committee were also successful in nominating Graham Hitchings for a County Certificate of Appreciation for his efforts on the branch committee and as the previous standard bearer.

Jackie Robertson, Gloucestershire County Chairman presented the branch with their awards at a recent social event at Page Community Association where the branch members get together monthly.

''Everyone is welcome to come and join us. We meet at the Page Community Association on the first Friday of the month at 7pm. Pop along and see what we get up to!'' Aileen Hulin - Membership Secretary

The awards presented were;

  • The Pearce Cup - for branch efficiency in the County of Gloucestershire for a branch with more than 70 members.

  • The Clee Shield - for the branch with the highest increase in Poppy Appeal fundraising on the previous year.

  • The Hewitt Cup - presented to Ian Campbell for his work in the County and at branch level. Awarded personally by the County Chairman, Jackie Robertson.

  • County Certificate of Appreciation - presented to Graham Hitchings for his work on the committee and as the past branch standard bearer.

All pictures were taken by friend of the branch, Andy Bly.


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